Monday, February 5, 2007

Search Engines

"Google" is now a verb. You don't know something? Just google it.

Everyone knows how to use The most popular search engines are definitely google,,, and

In the second chapter of Warlick's book, he offers many different search engines besides the common ones we all know and use. I think it's time we try new things.

I looked through all of these websites, and here are my favorites:

Lycos Pictures & Sound:
I love this website because, like google, you can search any topic, but you can narrow your results down to web, people, yellow pages, shopping, images & video, and classified. I am mainly focusing on the web and images & video. What I liked the most is when you choose your topic, on the left hand side of the webpage, it will offer multiple links as suggestions to narrow down your topic, expand your topic, and then it offers related names to your topic. I recommend this site as my top choice.

All the Web seems more appropriate for classroom use because in this engine, you can narrow your topic down to search the web, news, pictures, audio, and video. This makes your search really specified. Other search engines will say video & audio when you're only looking for one or the other, so this will really help you pinpoint whatever clip, image, etc. you're looking for.

Alta Vista News:
For a news site to use in the classroom, I really like this one. The opening page lists the most current news sites under specific categories. Then the site has a place where you can search your own topic, and you can choose a region and how current the article is. This website seems very user-friendly and very easy for adolescents to use.

Has anyone found any problems using these websites?

1 comment:

Kris Mark said...

Hey Jami!

I found the sites you chose to be very interesting as well as useful in a classroom. I agree that the multimedia.lycos is a good as a "beginner" for students because it really does narrow down the answers and sites to the research. This is particularly important because for students who aren't too familiar with technology will most likely be overwhelmed and trying to make the research as narrow and easy as possible for the beginners is a great idea.

P.S. I have not had any trouble looking at the sites.