Monday, February 12, 2007


Our rapidly changing technological world is visually defined by this YouTube video:

When I was viewing this video, one world circulated in my mind: FAST. Within seconds, we can have access to as much information as we want. Like the video was jumping from one information-sharing source to the next, we can do that too!

I can call my friend from wherever I am and have any information I want delivered to me. Why? My friend is at home where she has a computer. She can Google or Yahoo any information in seconds and will arrive at my answer.

So what? If information is so easy to access, then we should have our students exploring for it! If we give them assignments where they need to learn how to find certain types of information, they will be contributing towards teaching themselves their own technological literacy.

We can't spoon-feed them, but we can give them assignments to push them in a direction where they can learn how to access information.


Anonymous said...

Jami, I really agree with the part of your post that talkes about not spoon feeding kids but pushing them in a certain direction. I think that as educators, students naturally look to us for information. We need to look at how the world is changing and integrate technology into the classroom. We can make asignments that teach students to use internet technology.

Karen Stearns said...

Yes, Jami, I would call what you're describing information literacy though.

Theresa [♥] Marie said...

I also completely agree that we will have to help direct our students in a direction where they can find information for themselves. The video opened my eyes to how fast everything can be done as well, it was fasinating!

Ashley said...

I was trying to find a word that described the video and FAST was definitely the word. It is such an interesting way to show how rapidly the internet works, how quickly things can be upgraded and so on.