Monday, February 19, 2007

Addressing the Standards

In my last post, I briefly mentioned the standards. Here, I show how media literacy can be implemented for each standard.

Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.
As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas, discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.

-Collect data on internet search engines or through library research engines like ERIC.
-Discover relationships between a written text and a sound/video clip.
-View and analyze electronically produced texts: PLS specifically references "traditional print-based media (e.g., books, newspapers, magazines, direct mail); audiovisual media (e.g., radio, television, movies, video games); and computer-assisted communication (e.g., computer games, the Internet). Media also include recorded music, billboards and other signs, most games, package labels, and advertising in all of its forms."
-Give speeches or host talks on their findings.
-Write on the internet through blogging or other forms of publication.

Standard 2: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.
Students will read and listen to oral, written and electronically produced texts and performances, relate texts and performances to their own lives, and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent. As speakers and writers, students will use oral and written language for self-expression and artistic creation.

-Listen to electronically produced texts, as listed above.
-Write about the media or these texts as they are influenced in their own lives.
-In order to understand the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions of their environment, they will need to view electronic texts because our culture is dominantly centered around technology and media.
-Artistically self-express and create technology products of their own: podcasts, wikis, blogs, iVideos, etc.

Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.
As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. As speakers and writers, they will present, in oral and written language and from a variety of perspectives, their opinions and judgments on experiences, ideas, information and issues.

-Critically analyze electronic texts and electronic texts produced by students themselves.
-Critically analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues from online news articles, videos, sound clips, etc.
-Have students find these on their own to present to class. They can interpret their findings in their presentation.
-Have students create media-centered projects that demonstrate their opinions, experiences, judgments, ideas, and information on certain issues.

Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
Students will use oral and written language for effective social communication with a wide variety of people. As readers and listeners, they will use the social communications of others to enrich their understanding of people and their views.

-Socially interact through blogs or online chat sessions regarding course material.
-Communicate to people from across the state or world through writing letters, blogs, or emails.
-Write letters to their favorite authors or poets and send electronically.
-Watch videos and listen to sound clips on other people's views and opinions from across the country or world.
-Post their own opinions and views on the internet through podcasts, videos, or blogs.

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