So, our media literacy project has developed further. We have developed a website that includes our lesson plan, project assignment, and links to youtube videos. Check it out and let me know what you all think.
Hopefully, we want to work with Ray to put a podcast on the website. Staci and I created a podcast for students who potentially missed class that day, so they could catch up on missed work through our podcast. I just do not know how to put a podcast on the internet, but I am sure willing to learn.
This website was also created in order to practice how to incorporate this lesson into an actual classroom. We can use this website to present our lesson plan, instead of delivering a dry presentation from a piece of paper. Websites are more visually stimulating than pieces of paper, as we are learning in this classroom. Students will be more likely to remember our assignment if our presentation is more unique and creative than just regurgitating our creation by speaking it to you all.
I am pretty sure that we will have you all practice our assignment by watching the youtube videos and answering the blog questions so we can see how effective we are. Feel free to browse the videos beforehand, if you're curious or interested, or just give feedback on the idea, the website, or the podcast dilemma.
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Wow, Jami, the website is really cool. I think the website idea is an engaging way to go about studying alcoholism on the Internet. You're actually using technology to talk about technology - props for that!
Very good work Jami and Staci. Are you aware two other groups are working on this same topic? I was not until I saw your focus. Darlene and Kristin and Lauren and Bridget I do believe. You might want to get in touch with them just to see what they're planning for Wed.
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